Sunday, February 28, 2010

Leggings Have Basically Officially Jumped the Shark

Can you count the number of things wrong with this promotional photo?

No, because you need a computer to count to infinity gazillion.

I really sort of almost wish not that Whitney Houston was still a crackhead (because I luuuuurves me some Whitney, and I'm really glad she's almost back to fully being Every Woman), but maybe just that the popularity of her reality show and this post could've been a bit more synchronicitous so it'd be funnier when I react to *Intuition's denim and tie-dye leggings with a resounding


And while we're here, we may as well get a closer look at the travesty:
Soooo Peg Bundy, and not in the funny ironic way. And I love the description: These deluxe faux-denim leggings are so street chic." Okay, first of all, "deluxe" and "faux-denim" = oxy moron, for there is NOTHING deluxe about faux-denim leggings or faux-denim ANYTHING for that matter. And these are "street chic" if -- and only if -- you're working the street.

Hopefully Jerry Garcia's grave is spacious enough to accommodate him as the poor guy rolls over a few times in rapid succession.

* Special thanks to Chicago JP for alerting me to this most heinous fashion morts.

All I Can See Is Red, Red, Red

So, the other day I go to the dermatologist for a rather mundane, routine matter - puffy eyelids of the not - so - major - anyone - will -really -notice- but- apparent- enough- to -me - to - go -to -the -doctor variety.

First of all, the doctor asks if I'd used any new make-up or nail polish (uhh, yes and definitely yes). Turns out that nail polish is the #1 cause of eyelid puffos in women! (Don't you love that there's a hierarchy of causes?)

Oh, so I'm at a large practice with lots of other docs -- I've really liked the other doctors I've seen there -- but this was the first time I'd seen this particular doctor. And I didn't really like her because:

a.) She didn't really seem to listen to me. I'd been to that same practice for the same issue before, yet she didn't take the time to check my record -- on the laptop sitting open with my chart on it right in front of her -- and see what the deal was. (That seems like the easy way out to me! Just look it up! Chances are it's the same thing! But maybe my inclination to take the path of least resistance is just one compelling reason why I'm not a doctor).

b.) She mentions a topical treatment I'd tried before and then like quickly tried to flip the script, changing the topic, and fucking UPSELLS me on some laser treatment to "reduce the redness in my face" to treat my super mild rosacea. Apparently I'd only need about three or four treatments... at about $450 or so A POP (!!!). Um, lady, I'm used to coming in here and paying a $30 copay. You really think I wanna shell out like $1600 (as if I had $1600 to spend on "mild redness") on fucking lasers? What irked me the most was that after I told her that the redness really didn't bother me that much, she kept on with "well, you know... something to think about."

So, I walk in to get eyelid medicine or some whatever and potentially leave in debt? WTF?

Don't get me wrong -- I'm not fully against laser treatment or anything. Especially if I had a beard or something I couldn't get rid of. (Eep!) But the redness in my face is just MINOR part of me, and not a very big or important part of me either. It's probably like maybe the 14th thing people notice about me? If that? And it's redness I've earned through a combination of factors both within my control -- drinking too much coffee and probably not enough water; Jack Daniels; tacos and other vices -- and a few beyond the stretch of my dominion -- being really really incredibly white. That aside, I'm pretty proud of the fact that my skin is generally clear, through a combination of sheer luck, never going to bed with make-up on (sick!) and maintaining my situation via moisturization. So why would I risk this shit (granted, if I did get some kind of laser treatment done, it would not be at a spa, but still) for an outcome that's not guaranteed, for a "problem" that only really seems to be a problem to my doctor -- who most likely stands to make a fat commission -- but not to me?

I'm not even 30, so I'm in slight disbelief that I've reached an age where people want to zap my face with lasers and pay them for the privilege.

Soon I'll be bring you some happy, healthy skin and beauty products I've recently discovered. Until then, I say fuck a bitch! Point your frikkin' laserbeams at someone else!

Sing it, Fiona...

Kate Hudson: Elle UK April 2008

After being hailed as official Style Icon at the Elle UK Style Awards, Kate Hudson will be on the cover of the magazine's April issue. For this issue, Kate spilled some of her thoughts on fashion and also opened up about the unusual relationship she shares with her ex-husband, Chris Robinson, and her desire to wear as little clothing as possible.
  • On her own personal style: "I love clothes! But I would never put something on just because it's high fashion. . . I like people to have personal style. . . I'm not into the trampy look. I like to mismatch. I like a look that is not too thought out!"
  • On keeping in shape: "I've always been a dancer. I took ballet from the age of three to 13, then got into jazz dance. Now I have a dance instructor several times a week and I do Pilates."
  • On showing off her figure: "I plan to wear as little as possible for as long as I can. . . I know I won't have this body forever, she says. and I would like to have another child some day."
  • On her relationship with Chris: "The other day I told someone my husband was coming over and they said, 'You mean your ex-husband'. I do love my ex. Whatever man I end up with, I'll always love Chris."
  • On her body image: "If there's one thing I've learnt this year, it's not to think too much about my image. I don't dress for anyone but me and the people I love."
  • On what she'll be wearing this Spring: "Right now I'm in love with colour! Particularly purple. I just bought a purple Dolce sweater. The other color I love for spring is cobalt blue. And that peachy skin-tone colour."


Weird and Controversial Ads: The Only Way to Standout?

I guess in today’s market, you have to resort to extreme and shocking ads to stand out and get attention. Take the following ads for example:

Running Free Support Bra
This controversial
Running Free support bra ad campaign features three photos: a woman with a broken nose, a woman with a black eye and a woman with missing teeth. Obviously, from injuries by their bouncing assets while running. The tag line is “Support bras, now available.” The photographer is Chris Gordaneer for DDB Toronto, Canada Advertising Agency.

Finland's Next Top Model
The ads for Finland’s Next Top Model portray a full fledged catfight! From hair pulling to WWF wrestling and martial art moves. The ads are photographed by Petrus Olsson with art direction by Mikael Nemeschnaksy for hasan & partners advertising agency, Finland.

Deutsch Magazine
This ad campaign for the lifestyle magazine does not hold back on the daringness or shock value. The ads depict a dog that is
getting intimate with a woman. But it does so in style, with diamond blinged teeth. The ads were done by Jung von Matt/Neckar Advertising Agency, Stuttgart, Germany.



A closer look inside Fashion East's MAN House - Katie Eary

Part two of my look inside Fashion East's MAN house takes in Katie Eary's sinister pig tea party. The scene inside this room made me feel as though I had been transported in to a beautifully macabre editorial...I had made it inside the pages of Another Man. Inspired by Orwell's Animal Farm this setting offers a look at the pigs after having taken over the farmhouse.

I'm not the biggest Dr Martens fan but these gold toe capped boots were really something.

DD offers some great coverage of the MAN house and grabbed Katie for a quick interview during the afternoon (I am kicking myself for not doing this but I lacked the confidence and composure to speak to her!). The below question and answer offers great insight into where this exciting designer wants to take menswear...

DD: Do you think men are more restricted in what they wear?
Katie Eary: That's because there's nothing available. I'm just pushing it. It's got to have some knock down effect eventually. If you think back to the 1600s', men were way more glamorous than women will ever be and so it's happened before, there's nothing stopping it from happening again - maybe not in my lifetime!

The men's fashion industry needs more designers like Katie Eary and Jaiden rVa James who are prepared to push their aesthetic as far as possible because in my opinion it will indeed have a knock effect on the rest of us. Here is hoping for a time where men are again as glamorous as women (if not more) some time soon, we surely wouldn't get there without such exciting young designers and the likes of MAN giving them the platform to showcase their ideas.

Serious Sweater Weather

Uh, it's like 4 degrees in Tampa or some shit. What I'm saying, people, is that it's colder than Sharon Stone's face after a marathon round of deep-freezin' Botox action or whatevs.

Sweater solutions:
($169, Club Monaco)

($144, Patrizia Pepe, Yoox)
Perfect Saturday sweater = comfy, but not bummy.

($496, McQ By Alexander McQueen,
Stars are major ahora. (Just axe TopShop.) '7os-style echoey stars? Even majorer.

Thursday Splurge Day: Jill Sander Lily Pond Printed Dress

The high price to pay for material lust...
($523, Jill Stuart,
Adorably expensive.

A closer look inside Fashion East's MAN House - Jaiden rVa James

I have to admit that there was a time on Wednesday when I became a little overcome by the hustle and bustle combined with the waiting and waiting over in the tents...thankfully there was a safe haven of creative talent close by. I only had to cross the road over to the stunning Old Embassy Building to see Fashion East’s specially curated menswear installations and I felt a whole better in doing so! A few of my favourite emerging designers were given free rein to do as they wish with their room in the house. In two posts today I want to turn your attention to the wonderful worlds created by Jaiden rVa James and Katie Eary as captured by me (I need to a camera upgrade!)

First up, Jaiden RVA James. For A/W 08, my favourite emerging design duo took a dark turn towards the character of Orphelia and conjured up many talking points with a mix of floral skirts, PVC bondage trousers and straight jackets. The collection featured marvellous collaborations with J. Smith Esquire and Schott. I loved how the design duo explored masculinity and femininity trying to push conceptions of what a man could and should wear. Why can't men wear floral skirts? They allow more freedom and movement than trousers and this collection proves that men can look great, are you brave enough to show a little more leg?

The relationship between menswear and social constructs of masculinity is such an interesting subject and one both myself and EJ are keen to discuss. The difficulty lies in the fact that social ideas of masculinity have shifted over the course of history and what was acceptable centuries ago is now frowned upon and even laughed at, but why? Jaiden RVA James have started the discussion and we will explore if further in subsequent posts. In fact, Katie Eary's aesthetic similarly explore a new kind of androgyny which is far more exciting than the usual androgyny which frequently entails women wearing suits.

Still "in": leggings, vestele, sandalele romane

Au fost si raman in tendinte si in sezonul cald vestele, colantii si sandalele romane, care nu lipsesc din colectiile D&G, Givenchy, Balenciaga sau Burberry Prosum. Mai multe despre tendintele primavara/vara 2008 here
Nicky Hilton


Mary Kate Olsen in sandale romane

Lindsay este vazuta foarte des purtand leggings

Supermodelul Lily Donaldson in leggings

Vesta este un element vestimentar nelipsit din garderoba lui Kate Moss

Colanti asortati cu un top din linia lui Gwen Stefani - Harajuku lovers
lonesome girl

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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Numéro 101 March 2009
Photograher: Camilla Akrans
Model: Siri Tollerod

Source: the fashion spot

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Love 'Em or Leave 'Em: Tom's Shoes

So, for better or worse (and I'm pretty sure that, no matter what, it's better, because for every pair you buy they donate a pair to a shoeless child), I bought a pair of Tom's shoes. And I decided to go big and bold with the glittery silver pair instead of boring green canvas or whatever.

Silver glitter TOMS shoes, $48. I think they're kind of cool in a weird way. What say yous? Yea? Nay?

I for one say YAY!

Picture Postcard: Inspired by uniform

When I'm in need of some inspiration I often trawl through a selection of archives on flickr (I know ACL does to) and I'm often drawn to black and white images of men in uniform, my current favourite is airman. A particular image which EJ found last month stands out in my memory and I've even dreamt about it...I would love to integrate these style features in to a look. Then I stumbled across the above taken by Marcelo Burlon as part of Dazed Digital's Milan coverage. I'm blown away by this, I just can't stop looking at the detailing and fit...for me it is perfect and I just had to share it with you all. I would love to find something similar (to wear for my own leisure at home if nothing else) so the search begins...

Exclusive Foals Interview

We have often talked about the relationship between style and music, our very first post (back when this blog wasn't even read by our friends) discussed the Clash's style. And now, oddly, we've managed to score an interview with Jack Bevan, drummer for up and coming band Foals (if you are a Skins fan then you should know all about them!) and recent model for Burberry (which was shot by Mario Testino and cast of course by Style Salvage favourite Christopher Bailey).

Foals are self proclaimed 'snotty art school dropouts who are hungry for the dollar' and if you believe the hype, they are set to be huge this year (they have already sold out their London gig a month before the album launch!), tipped by the likes of the BBC, MTV and the Independent and are being compared to Radiohead by the Telegraph. If you aren't aware of the band take a listen for yourself and let us know what you think! If either of us were music journalists we might say "the Foals play the sort of jittery, rhythmically-focused post-punk that's been a steady thread of through indie rock in this century" but we aren't so let's just say that we approve and get down to Jack's take on style!

There is arguably no more accurate a barometer for what is perceived as 'hot' than the Burberry ad campaign. Jack was one of the Burberry babes...alongside Coco Sumner (who I hear you cry?Well she's the daughter of Sting) Merlin Ferry (son of Bryan), actors Alex Pettyfer and Eddie Redmayne, golfer Liam Wade and fellow musician Will Cameron. From this you would think then that Jack would therefore be extremely stylish or at least be drumming in a stolen Burberry trench! It is always fun to analyse style and to make assumptions but let's hear it from the drummer's mouth...

SS: How would you describe your own personal style and how does this fit with the rest of the band's?
Jack Bevan: We all wear hand me downs from each other. Yannis lost all his clothes at a show in Nottingham so we've been sharing a lot more recently. I just buy whatever I think looks funny most of the time - t-shirts especially. I also kind of have a thing for cardigans that are too big for me and I’m a bit of a hoarder when it comes to plaid shirts -especially red ones.

SS: How did you get involved in the Burberry campaign? On the campaign Bailey is quoted as saying "Movement, energy and character are the defining spirit of this new campaign. I wanted to work with an eclectic and talented group of the best British musicians, actors, models and sports people who are new additions to the Burberry family."Following this commendation from one of the best designers today would you say that you were the most stylish member of the band?

Jack Bevan: No. that's a weird question. None of us think like that. Most days we all wake up hungover in the same hotel and have to coax our bodies back into our van. Thinking about how we look is nestled firmly behind: getting a coffee, doing the puzzles in the G2, cutting Edwin’s hair etc.

SS: Most importantly did you swipe anything good from the shoot and what was it like being shot by Mario Testino?
Jack Bevan: No, but I did pester Burberry for a coat. Being shot by Testino was great. I used to study him at university so it was a little surreal. He was really fun. He has some pretty awesome dance moves.

SS: Who are your top three musical style icons? (in terms of clothes as opposed to songs)
Jack Bevan: ...


(Style Salvage approves of this choice, Bjork would be top of our list too!)


This shot is Raf Simons meets Bill and Ben!


Check out the cat stencil on the T shirt on the left! Awesome stuff!

SS: We've frequently discussed on the blog how music influences fashion,but what influence do you think fashion has on music?
Jack Bevan: The same amount of influence smells have on painting

SS: There has been a great deal of media attention surrounding the band, has this affected your wardrobe decisions at all?
Jack Bevan: No, not really. We’re hardly getting papped or anything. I don't think any of us feel that much different to how we felt last year, except obviously there is a lot more to be excited about.

SS: Now that you're rich and famous (or about to be) where will you be shopping?
Jack Bevan: If I ever find myself in the possession of money, I’ll scurry over to New York and move into the Clinton street bakery. From there I’ll order things online whilst eating sweet potato fries and grilled chorizo.

SS: Have you got a favourite item of clothing and what is on your shopping list?
Jack Bevan: Haha, yes! I have this old t-shirt, which is like off-white with a cat's face made out of cheap plastic jewels. It makes me laugh everytime I see it. On my shopping list...I wanted one of those hand made hoodies by panda bear but they sold out.

SS: Finally, we've seen most of the band sporting facial hair of varying types (the moustache Yannis had in the Balloons video stands out) but you have stayed clean shaven: what's your opinion of facial hair? Do you dream of growing a handlebar moustache one day?
Jack Bevan: I wouldn't be able to grow facial hair if I tried. In fact I have tried. I’m trying right now. no, seriously I have no ability to grow anything that's worth keeping.

Jack courtesy of Nilina Mason-Campbell of Not on the Guest List


Writing this post has been a breath of fresh life into our discussion of the relationship between music and style, spawning a number of follow up posts in coming weeks and ideally more interviews! If you like the band and want to buy their debut album (Antidotes)... well, it's not out until March 23 but you can preorder it through their website. We will leave you with the video for their new single, 'Cassius', released this week which Steve likes because it contains offal pendulums!