Thursday, March 4, 2010


I'm a bit enamoured with Flickr, though I must admit I am having a torrid affair with Ffffound. If Flickr is my loving, reliable spouse then Fffound is that new partner- exciting, wild and a bit unexpected. I digress.

For a little while now I have been storing up my Flickr faves, my inspiration board, to share with you, to show the mood I've been in the past month or so. It's fairly typical- lots of black and white, classic shots, broken up here and there with flashes of colour. Moustaches, a quiff and Adidas feature, as do a few of my favourite bloggers.

There's a bit more dressing up than I usually go for, but I think I'm just looking for a break from the tedium of work uniform (I don't have an actualy uniform, but I'm not a naturally smart dresser so it's a bit of a hassle for me- more on this in a later post).

So what's been inspiring you this year so far?
Oh EJ, it is scary how similar our minds are. Most of your inspirations stir my loins also, furthermore you have also turned my attention on to some new bloggers! I like the idea of a virtual inspiration board and will get to work on mine. I will try not to replicate yours too much and throw in some fresh inspirations....

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