Monday, May 3, 2010

The Horror!

Here's a bunch of really ugly shit for you to consume. Or not.

($178, BCBG Max Azria,
Why?? This looks like a roll of toilet paper that got shredded in a fan.

(Top $32; Dress $68, Necessary Objects,
Separately they're bad enough, but together, it's like a head-to-toe crap showcase.

($19.95, JS, Amazon)
How did this get past Standards? Check out some of their other awful shlock.

($149, Frye, Amazon)
Just grody.

(Apprx $107 USD, Irregular Choice,
Shoewawa covered these. Eeek!! That is some DAMN strong stuff those IC peeps are smoking. Remember kids: crack kills. Or at least results in some positively Fug City footwear.

(Apprx $127, Irregular Choice,
See, here is exactly why you should not allow your three-year-old access to fabric scraps, school glue and some spare pumps. Of course, you could always carry it with your Louis Vuitton Tribute Patchwork Bag.

(Apprx $99 USD, Irregular Choice,
What. The. Fu....??? Apparently Irregular Choice is even more irregular in the UK. They have some horbs offerings here in the States but nowhere NEAR as bad as abroad. They just get worse and worse and worse.

But not as worse/t as...

($62, Sugar, Zappos)
Just... wow. So many awful elements all combined into one Super Awful Shoe. Weep.

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