Saturday, June 5, 2010

... AND We're Back!

...Okay. The hiatus ends NOW!

First, "feast" (and I mean feast in the way that maggots feast on the eyeballs of a corpse) your eyes on Brooke Hogan's AMAZING "outfit" from a recent concert:


We wouldn't leave you hanging with a shot of the BACK!...

Mmmm! B.Ho, in the words of Amy Winehouse, NO NO NO! She actually managed to make Britney Spears look like a fucking NUN right here. Also, can you even IMAGINE the outfits she REJECTED before deciding upon THIS one? I mean, usually, you pick the BEST outfit when given a choice of many, right? And, dudes, this was THE BEST! Amazing.
(Photos graciously borrowed from Ohnotheydidnt. Thanks, FB Chicago correspondent JP for the tip!)

Now, on to the stuff that isn't an affront to God:

Once again, stuff I want!


($270, Spring & Clifton,
Spring & Clifton, please launch your site AND have a sample sale NOWish! K?

($98, Spring & Clifton,
Another cute one.

($44, BCBG Girls, Overstock)
Sooo nicety nice for summer drinks ontop of the Met. If you're into that.

($42, BCBG, Overstock)
Also extremely cute.

($22, Piano and Guiness,
Very cute and comfy-lookin'. And I love that it's called "Choose your own cleavage."

($55, She-Bible,
Handmade + grass green PLUS modal cotton = mmmm.

($16, Weavers, Overstock)
Totes not TOO Denise Huxtable boho. Yay!

($32, Sir Alistar Rai)
Tee hee. He's cute! (Plus, YAY universal health care!... as opposed to not, right?)

($57, Steven Alan, eBay)
I'm still feeling pouty about that Steven Alan dress I can't afford. Wah. This chick is selling a few of these shirt dresses. Totes great price, but not justifiable right not. Unless, you know, she wants to donate it to a good cause: ME!


(Apprx $123 USD, Paul & Joe Sister,
Why is LaRedoute SO much better in the UK???

(Apprx $53 USD, Sophie Tonarelli,
Again, more cuteness!

(96, Motel,
Not LOVING the criss-cross straps, but love the print!

Great dress, great price. However, wearing chiffon in the summer is as smart as locking a starving wolf in a small cage with a baby rabbit. But still, buy now, wear later, I say!


($76, Yanuk, Overstock)
I always heart Yanuks. And I refuse to buy into the sailor pants high-waisted dungaree nonsense. (Please remember: Kate Moss doesn't always make the BEST choices.)

($39, Delias)
Simple, sweet, cheap.


($49, Oh Deer!, Overstock)
The zebra ones are totes cheesetastic and slutty, but I wuv.


($228, Boudoir By Disaya,
Rabbits are the new giraffes!

(Apprx $254, Butler & Wilson)
I covet thee.

Finally, here's something horbs:

($12, Payless)
We here at Fashion Binge are here to provide you with a service. And that service includes seeking out the High School Musical handbag for all of your High School Musical-carrying needs.


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