Friday, July 30, 2010

Mr. Hare secret pre-order link at oki-ni

Regular readers should have noticed that I have been pretty much been endlessly salivating over my keyboard ever since I first examined Mr. Hare's debut the waiting game is over and it is time to mop up the drool and get my debit card out! We were both excited and intrigued when our favourite shoeist announced he was taking his obsession one step further and rolling up his sleeves to create his own line for AW09 and we weren't disappointed by the results. We were the first to interview him as part of our 'Style Salvage speaks to' series and we have been impatiently waiting for the news that his stock is now available to buy. Our friends at oki-ni have entrusted us with a secret link so our readers can be the first in line to pre-order the stock.

I'm sure you've all had (at least) one garment/accessory that you've seen and fantasised about wearing, well I've had my head in the clouds and my feet inside the Mr. Hare Orwells ever since I first clapped eyes on them back in February. The shoes are due to be released at the end of August but my beating heart can rest easy knowing that they have been pre-ordered. If your heart is all a flutter because of Mr. Hare's romantic shoes then why not follow the secret link for some further shoe porn.

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