Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Men Represent: Style Icons of yore

When Steve and I first met (way back in 2002, it feels like a century ago) his style reminded me of a certain Mr David Beckham. This was no accident and it was no bad thing. David Beckham always seemed comfortable in his clothes (once he'd gotten past the overly-matching-his-wife stage) while continually looking sharp. As Steve and I got to know each other, our shared admiration for Mr B continued: we went shopping for suit jackets (to be worn with jeans, naturally- we drew the line at sarongs though), we googled for new pictures of the man and admired his love of tailoring.

The thing we loved the most was that hair. Yes, it changed a fair few times, but when it was good, DAMN it was good. The main thing that Steve learnt from DB's hair was how appealing touchable hair was (I'm not exagerrating when I say that the ladies couldn't stop themselves from stroking Steve's hair). Behold!

Apologies for the terrible scan- yes, this photo was taken before I owned a digital camera - dark times indeed.

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