Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Men Represent: Style Icons Update

Firstly apologies again for Week 2 of Men Represent which passed me by...the last two weeks have flown by and left me tired and a little confused...but it was all worth it. For those of you who don't know I moved flats and aside from carrying boxes, driving in vans and visiting Ikea I didn't have access to the alternate, all consuming world of the Internet. Excuses, excuses I hear you say, well, you might have something there. My point is that our thirst for your style icons has yet to be quenched, despite some stella work from The Journal of Style and The Sunday Best, we still want more, If you've posted about your style icons and I've missed you out please let us know.

Here are the blogs and the icons who have taken part:

The Sunday Best gave us Brian Eno and David Byrne whilst letting us know about their new collaboration. "And for letting his hair grey wonderfully, and cycling everywhere, and drawing trees, and wearing scarves and fedoras, David Byrne is a definite style icon."

The Journal of Style (a regular read of mine - a men's style blog written by Jonas, inspired by music and design) has been the busiest and most productive at the style icons task.

Marcello Mastroianni - "The Italian actor showed us that dressing in a very simple style was never boring as long as the fit and execution is right."

Albert Einstein - "Easily put he wasn't the most sartorial scientist in the world and his clothes didn't fit like a glove but he always was the most stylish scientist, he was what I would like to call - an individualist."

Please send us the links of any style icons post...let's focus on week 2 of Men Represent.

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