Saturday, July 3, 2010

Daft for Daffy's!

Hey chicas. Sorry I've been out of the loop. Blogger's block, or just shopper's restraint, maybe. Today I used my half day buying tons of food, and just a couple fashion items. But oh, what great items! I stopped in to Daffy's hoping to spy a decent serving bowl, but instead I (of course) checked out the shoe department. I already knew that they carried Corso Como shoes, such as these, which look great but maybe don't feel the best on your feet. I had no idea that they also carried two of my favorite shoe brands (not that I owned any -- until now!) Check out my purchases:

I have been looking for a nice leather flip flop in brown. I found the former part of the equation in this Frye Edie Crossover sandal, $58.99 and even more expensive online, but a mere $26.99 at Daffy's! Score!

I'm gonna stake out other Daffy's to find the brown, but in the meantime I still love the turquoise, which is way deeper in color in person. And quite comf! Yay!

I also picked up a pair of these Nicole Silvius peep-toe pumps, very comfortable (at least in my walk around the store) and seemingly well-made, $82.95 at Zappos, $35.99 at Daffy's. And the heel and platform are brown, not that awful black in the photo. They had a few other Nicole styles as well. Be aware!

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