Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy RedPoppy New Year!

I thought it fitting to take us into a brand New Year with a new redhead fashion face, so here's lovely Canadian redhead model Claire Olsen, all 5'7 of gorgeous flaming frizzy redhead waves. Wishing you all a very healthy and happy New Year and stay tuned for much more new and fab RedPoppying!!!

Photos courtesy of,

Binge Beauty Buy: Ways To Cash In Your Sephora Gift Cards: Philosophy Celebrate! Set

($30, Philosophy, Sephora)
Kicked your coke habit this year? Or just switched to crack (it's cheaper!) Got a big promotion because your boss died? Didn't get pregnant or arrested? Only got a little pregnant? CELEBRATE with Philosophy's Celebrate set -- three deeeeeeerisheshry scented bottles of Lavender, Pink Bubbly, and Pomegranate 3-in-1 washes. They do a body good!

Happy new year, everyone, from all (two) of us at FashionBinge to all (three to four!) of you out there!

And stay tuned for some SUPER suhweeeeeeet giveaways comin' up this monf!

More Sephora gift card suggestions:
+ Hourglass Concealer
+ Smashbox's Rapture Gloss Set!

Trousers sandwiched by the seasons

My current favourite in-between look

Through a combination of the somewhat confused and unpredictable weather over the last few weeks and the influx of Spring/Summer 09 editorials and look books (with a few sale purchases thrown in to spice things up a little bit), there seems to be a confrontation between what I should wear and indeed what I want to wear (which at times becomes more than a mere scuffle in my mind and wardrobe)...The bedroom is often transformed in to a well fingered H&M display, much to the annoyance of Susie...

Today it was the turn of my Unconditional Wrap trousers to take the sartorial punches and accessorising hair pulling...

In the winter corner we have a pile of knits, including a bargain of a Uniqlo jumper, the recently acquired huge cowl by Yokoo, shiny Lanvin boots and black M&S leather gloves which were of course a Christmas present...

In the Spring corner we have white sheer shirt by Handmade in England, navy blue cardigan jacket from COS (a sale buy) and white Chukka Boots by Vans.

Am I suffering these somewhat schizophrenic attire choices alone or are you feeling as confused as I am?

Losing it

Since reading this post over on iCiNG I have been mulling over the topic of losing your hair. I was racking my brains all over Christmas for some good bald/balding icons, only to kick myself for my stupidity when I caught a bit of The King and I on TV. Yul Brynner is surely the most obvious choice?
YulAnd while he is probably best known for his completely bald look (above) as sported in the King and I, I think he looked quite dashing in his younger days when he still kept a bit on top.

This is a Beaton picture I think

The supreme neatness of the hair he does have is vital to the look. And this just set the ball rolling. There are so many balders (not yet baldies, you see?) out there to admire! The trick to it, as always, is excellent grooming.

Lunching in styleThis is perfectly illustrated here by Mr Astaire. While he does have his hair reasonably long it is slicked down and back at all times with no attempt to hide the arches of his hairline. His skin is clear and healthy looking and, as usual, he is clean shaven.

I've noticed quite a few indie boys trying to disguise a receding hairline by growing a long sweep of hair to use as a fringe. I hate to break it to you boys, but I'm beginning to feel that this the the modern equivilant of the comb-over... you're fooling no one my dears. I did consider finding a picture to illustrate this point but I thought that would be a little bit too mean. Maybe your new influence, if you don't like the swept back look should be Brandon Flowers? I think he's giving you evils

His hair is short here and ever so slightly pushed forward. I'd be interested to see what he will do once it REALLY starts going though. I was also going to use Jude Law as a muse here but, if I'm honest, he creeps me out nowadays.

Get Thee to A Tannery

Tall, Tan, and Italian. No I'm not talking about your dream boyfriend. Here are two of Louboutin's latest towering and strapping offerings in gorgeous shades of Tan (a redhead favorite).

Christian Louboutin Bobo Leather Ankle Booties

Christian Louboutin Strappy Platform Bootie

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Binge Beauty Buy: Ways To Cash In Your Sephora Gift Cards: Hourglass Concealer

($32, Hourglass, Sephora)
Hands -- and brushes -- down, this is one of the best concealers I've used in decades of hiding my shiners. Seriously, you could have a cat stuck to on one side of your face and a pepperoni pizza on the other side and after a few strokes of Hourglass, NO ONE except you would ever know. That's how good this shiz iz. I'd recommend applying with a brush since it's a thick concealer. That way you won't be tugging your precious, tender little undereyes down to your chin. No one looks good like that. Anyway, $32 ain't cheap, but you know what IS cheap? Looking like you haven't slept in a week. Get it, girls.

More Sephora suggestions: Smashbox's Rapture Gloss Set!

A Peacock Walks Into A Store...

(Image via Ian Peacock/

FOR REAL, A REAL PEACOCK walked into a STORE... called PEACOCKS! In Scotland, where apparently peacocks come equipped with the mental capacity of rocket scientists. THIS IS THE GREATEST SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE! I'M GONNA LIVE FOREVER! THIS IS THE BEST, MOST AMAZING THING EVER!

And speaking of amazing, apparently so is Ian Peacock, who not only has written for a billion great publications but LOVES Persian cats (my first kitty was a glorious Persian named Romeo, hallowed be his name. He lived to be 19 and was an angel amongst kitties, even when he graced us on this very earth, for which he was always too good) AND is actually named "Peacock." I think I'm in love.

+ More of my peacock obsession as it relates to fashion and accessories here.

Also, these peacock Keds are cute if not a little too literal. But okay for you maybe? I didn't mean that in a bitchy way. We're still cool, right?
($63.55, Keds,

Why Aren't I Wearing: This Vintage Frank Usher Dress?

POWER DRESSING JACKPOT! The description of this bonkersly rad 1980s dress basically parallels everything I want my life to be. (I've bolded the most attractive parts to emphasize how much they relate to everything I love and strive for.)

An incredible vintage 1980's Frank Usher beaded cocktail gown, with substantial shoulder pads. Literally dripping with beading, bold silver sequins and bugle beads are encrusted across the shoulders and cuffs, and in a zig zag band across the front and back bodice. The dress is in black silk chiffon, with a sheer panel across the top of the bodice. The remainder of the dress is sprinkled throughout with sparkling black bugle beads. An exceptional dress for the party season, and in a really wearable size!

The extent to which I'm considering buying this is troubling me.

+ SWEET 1980s Frank Usher top on eBay. Remember the name "Frank Usher" and save it your eBay searches AHORA.

Looking back with the help of Penthouse

First things first, we hope you all had a very Merry Festive Break! Secondly, as we prepare to bid farewell to 2008 our thoughts are often preoccupied by the promise of a New Year (I was reliably informed by Charlie Brooker that they will call this new year be honest with you I'm a little disappointed, my fingers were crossed for it to be named Steve...the Year of Steve has a much better ring to it) but lets be different. We often look forward at this stage in the year but one of my Christmas presents has helped me challenge this usual festive occurrence and I've decided to swivel my neck owl like and look back...way back. The presents in question were two old issues of Penthouse - The Magazine for Men (from 1968 and 1969 respectively). and unfortunately, it is safe to say that they don't make them like that anymore. The content is wonderfully diverse, for example articles include; an interview with Steve Abrams who champions the campaign to legalise cannabis, The Promiscuity Myth which discusses how homosapiens have always 'gone in for' marriage, The Do-It-Yourself Capitalist, an interview with Otto Von Habsburg who was once heir to the Austro-Hungrarian empire and became a political author and lecturer. I would love to unearth a magazine which covered such an eclectic mix of issues today (with the odd shot of a natural breast or two thrown in as well) but for now I will just have to settle for Monocle but will write to Tyler Brûlé in the New Year requesting a few bare breasts. As well as great articles there are a couple of interesting editorials, not to mention a few classic advertisements which will provide inspiration for the coming year.

Apologies for the poor image quality (I really need to invest in a scanner)...

Skin Game is my favourite editorial and sees a wonderful combination of monochrome, smoky /soft focus shots with sheepskin jackets and a pigskin suede trench coat. Accompanying the imagery was the following blurb which seems hell bent on ensuring the readers knows where the materials came from...Button out the cold this winter in sheepskin and suede. Bulk has been sheared away with body-shaping and closer-fitting cut. There are many exciting new colours this season, too. After all, once the original owner has died there is no reason why its and coat shouldn't be dyed, too - makes it more individual for the next owner. As for wear and warmth, that remains built-in. Lasts a lifetime-and it did for the previous owners.

I've never seen this many buckles in one shot...

Something Afoot
sees an organised pile of varied shoes used to breathe new life into the old adage that 'you can tell a gentlemen by his shoes' by suggesting that you can now (well since 1968) tell
that the gentlemen is in fashion. I adore this double page spread but rather than inspire me to put my best foot forward, I have to agree with the title that there is something afoot and it seems to be the penchant of double buckles and too much tanned leather...

There were just sooo many poses to choose from but here are two of my favourite looks

Get in the picture with ICI Fibres depicts Seth Cohen's style icon in an album of leisurewear made from a combination of relatively new fandangled fabrics ranging from bri-nylon, bri-nova and crimplene...but I love the poses more than anything else and will certainly try a few in my upcoming style posts...

So, rather than let your thoughts get distracted by the promises of tomorrow why not take some time out and have a look back at the past. You don't have to look at old porn magazines but I would certainly recommend it!
December's Style Inspiration
Miroslava Mikheeva-Duma

Miroslava Mikheeva-Duma. Fashion editor of Harper's Bazaar in Russia. During December, I've really noticed her style and I think I've fallen quite in love with it. I adore the way she manages to mix vibrant colours and bold patterns with lots of neutral tones in such an interesting and fun way. Her style is sweet and innocent blended together with something rough and edgy: my absolute favourite combination. Just look for yourself...her gorgeous style speaks for itself!

Sorry for the lack of posting, my dears! I always kind of forget that Christmas time is crazy time. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and that you'll have a fantastic New Year's Eve. Thanks for all the comments and seasonal guys are the absolute best x x x

Heart Shirts And Blondette Sale!

Admiring on this Lauren Moshi heart tee at Blondette.

($85, Lauren Moshi, Blondette)
BTW, Blondette's giving you 25% off $150 or more with promo code afterchristmas08
through January 3. KNOW that.

(Apprx $43 USD, Illustrated People, Topshop)
Also LOVE this very '80s but not like OMG WOAH LQQK IT'S NEON Illustrated People top at Topshop. It reminds me of the crap Madonna spray paints in her "Borderline" video. Sadly it's only available in size Small on the British site and NOT AT ALL on the US site. INTERNATIONAL TRAGEDY!

Related videos to watch:

Bluebirds are so natural...

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas and are gearing up for your new year celebrations (be that expensive or cheap, hangover guranteed or a quiet night in). I am now back in London where I belong after having a quiet Christmas with the family by the seaside and eating far, far too much. This festive season is all about excess but the January belt tightening is on it's way (oh dear) but fortunately we have the sales and the fashion weeks not too far away.

After my recent blog post you might have concluded that I would be out savouring the sales all day every day fighting over the rails and piles of so called bargains but that just hasn't been the case. I hate shopping in crowded shops, during the sale madness the clothes are scattered across the rails and floors and fellow consumers take on a more panic stricken animal attitude, either fearful eyes and a look of terror or they come out fighting, elbowing their way to the reductions. Sales can be a scene of desperation, style at times is forgotten. Some people enjoy shopping in this madness, sifting through all of the rubbish just to find that nugget of a bargain but not this consumer.

My first full day in London was spent wandering around Selfridges with EJ and the girlfriend, where last year I was fortunate enough to find some great things but this time I just wasn't in the mood. I'm sure there were some great bargains among the racks and rack of clothes but from my half hearted glances I didn't see anything, only the very fortunate or those who put in the most work succeed in arenas like the Selfridges sale. My mind was made up to vist b Store and the Shop at Blue Bird the following morning. In the interim I did venture into Liberty's and was seduced by some of the reductions, for example a Maison Martin Margiela navy suit jacket which despite the substantial price cut was still a little out of my grasp. A couple of APC items were tempting but my will power was strong enough to dissuade me buying things that I didn't really want or need.

Now onto more happier and successful tales and the wonders that were to be found within the Shop at Bluebird. Adam Green once chirped 'Bluebirds are so natural' in his song 'Bluebird' and it the shop felt very natural to me. It felt so far away from my previous shopping experience at Selfridges which left me questioning the whole sale thing. I walked out of the shop at Bluebird with a huge smile on my face, I had a bagged myself a white Givenchy shirt for £55 and a pair of wrap trousers from Unconditional for £125 but had also enjoyed myself within the shop, which is well presented and has attentive and extremely pleasant staff! There was so much to choose from, ranging from Raf Simons tapered trousers and that metallic shirt, Omar Kashoura cardigans and shirts (check out the scary myspace music) alongside rails of countless items that were great!

Headless Steve
The sale purchases teamed up with a pair of old but quite rare converse (black with red trim).
The Unconditional trousers are unlike anything I have in my wardrobe. Wrap fly, tapered bottom, they are a play on proportions and so damn comfortable.

If you like me are dissuaded from most sales I would recommend visiting the Shop at Bluebird which was fruitful for me alongside ventures inside b Store and Concrete.

Let us know about your own success stories or nightmares with the recent sales.

Special film screening at Rashtrapati Bhawan

Harishchandrachi Factory' is India's official entry to Oscars

A special screening of Marathi film "Harishchandrachi Factory", India's official entry to the Oscars, will take place at the Rashtrapati Bhawan on Jan 16.

The film, that will hit theatres on Jan 22, will be screened at the President's Estate Auditorium.

Co-produced by Paprika Media and Mayasabha Production, the Dadasaheb Phalke biopic is the directorial debut of Mumbai-based theatre actor-director Paresh Mokashi.

Starring Nandu Madhav and Vibhawari Deshpande, the film is on the making of "Raja Harishchandra", India's first full length feature film made in 1913 by the pioneer of Indian cinema Dadasaheb Phalke.

Mokashi's low-budget period film was completed in January. It has bagged a series of international awards and honours.

This is the second Marathi film after "Shwaas" to be nominated by India for an Oscar in five years. "Shwaas" was Sandeep Sawant's directorial debut.

Hot Mallika Sherawat Videos From Murder Hot Scenes

Katrina Kaif
Bikini Images

Deepika Padukone Photos And Videos

Kareena Kapoor Bikini Pics From Tashan

Hot And Sizzingly Tanushree Dutta Exposing Photos

For Gossips And Mirch Masala Log On To Bollywood Paradize

Akshay's new strategy for avoiding flops

He’s working for free!

Akshay Kumar won’t be charging anything for his next two films – “Khatta Meetha” and “Tees Maar Khan” – which are being co-produced by his production house Hari Om Productions.

Trade circles say that Akki, who has reportedly even signed a film for a fee as high as Rs.71 crore, has had a change of mind.

The actor explains the logic behind this drastic move of not charging his market fee: "My fee for both the films will be zero. If both films are hits, then my production house will stand to benefit by getting a part of the profits. If the film is average, the profit margin will automatically be reduced. However, it's important to note here that even if the film flops, no one will lose money because the budget has been controlled."

It’s believed that Akshay’s astronomical fee for films like “Chandni Chowk To China”, “8x10 Tasveer” and “Kambakkht Ishq” unrealistically increased the budgets of these movies making it hard for them to recover the huge investments thereby causing them to tank at the box office.

Hot Mallika Sherawat Videos From Murder Hot Scenes

Katrina Kaif
Bikini Images

Deepika Padukone Photos And Videos

Kareena Kapoor Bikini Pics From Tashan

Hot And Sizzingly Tanushree Dutta Exposing Photos

For Gossips And Mirch Masala Log On To Bollywood Paradize

And, the nominations go to… ‘3 Idiots’

Movie features in 21 categories of Star Screen Awards

It’s that time of the year again. Bollywood’s annual award nights are all set to roll and quite understandably, “3 Idiots” is poised to dominate.

Up first is the Star Screen Awards and “3 Idiots” has secured a nomination in 21 categories! In fact, the movie has already won the distinction of earning the highest number of nominations in the 16 years since the Screen Awards started.

Aamir Khan has famously boycotted all popular awards, year after year, and we wonder whether he’ll show up at any of these events now.

Traditionally, Shah Rukh Khan has featured prominently at these awards nights, but as this year he had no release except “Billu”, SRK has got no nomination.

However, King Khan still holds the record for maximum nominations (17) across categories at Star Screen Awards. Aamir is the next closest competitor with 12 nominations.

Another heavy weight this year is Katrina Kaif who has topped the Screen survey of the Most Paisa Vasool Multiplex Star and has got the maximum votes for an actor who represents the changing face of Bollywood.

Katrina has also for the first time won herself a nomination in Best Actress category for “New York”.

Hot Mallika Sherawat Videos From Murder Hot Scenes

Katrina Kaif
Bikini Images

Deepika Padukone Photos And Videos

Kareena Kapoor Bikini Pics From Tashan

Hot And Sizzingly Tanushree Dutta Exposing Photos

For Gossips And Mirch Masala Log On To Bollywood Paradize
Mary-Kate Lennon, I presume?

Excuse me, but have we seen this person before? The layers upon layers, wild hair and shabby-chicness gives a feeling that there might be something about this girl that is kind of familiar. Hmmm...nope nothing comes to mind..ah well...that's that then...

WAIT!!! IT'S MARY-KATE!!!! How could we have guessed behind those peculiar shades, only ever worn by John Lennon (and a guy at my school)? What's happened to the Ray Ban's, the Chanel's, the Tom Ford's?? Well, actually it kind of makes a nice change.

Maybe this will become the new It thing? Celebrities morphing into their favourite old famous icons? Suddenly all of Hollywood (and the whole world outside Hollywood) will be walking around as people from the past. Fun, but scary thought.

So, if you'll excuse me, I'm on my way trying to find my white floaty dress, my red lipstick and my blonde curly wig so that I can I can morph into Marilyn Monroe. Hey, it's the new It thing..haven't you heard??

If you were to morph into one famous icon, who would it be?

La multi ani!

Mona Chopra Nude Wallpaper

Mona Chopra Nude Wallpaper showing her great boobs covering them with jewellery hot and sexy pic

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Katrina Kaif
Bikini Images

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For Gossips And Mirch Masala Log On To Bollywood Paradize

Priyanka Chopra Swimsuit From Dostana

Priyanka Chopra Swimsuit From Dostana

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Katrina Kaif
Bikini Images

Deepika Padukone Photos And Videos

Kareena Kapoor Bikini Pics From Tashan

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For Gossips And Mirch Masala Log On To Bollywood Paradize

Kashmira Shah Bikini Top

Kashmira Shah Bikini Top

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Katrina Kaif
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For Gossips And Mirch Masala Log On To Bollywood Paradize

Priyanka Chopra Exposing In Pyaar Impossible

Priyanka Chopra Exposing In Pyaar Impossible her bikini top and small inners visible enjoy

Hot Mallika Sherawat Videos From Murder Hot Scenes

Katrina Kaif
Bikini Images

Deepika Padukone Photos And Videos

Kareena Kapoor Bikini Pics From Tashan

Hot And Sizzingly Tanushree Dutta Exposing Photos

For Gossips And Mirch Masala Log On To Bollywood Paradize

Poonam Gulati--She's Hot & Wild

Hot Mallika Sherawat Videos From Murder Hot Scenes

Katrina Kaif
Bikini Images

Deepika Padukone Photos And Videos

Kareena Kapoor Bikini Pics From Tashan

Hot And Sizzingly Tanushree Dutta Exposing Photos

For Gossips And Mirch Masala Log On To Bollywood Paradize